Noriyuki Inoue, Ph.D. specializes in educational psychology and educational research methodologies. At Waseda University, he teaches educational psychology courses and educational innovation and communication studies as well as research seminars. The areas of his recent research projects include non-cognitive development, social-emotional learning, lesson study, action research methodology and teacher development and transformations.
He serves as the editor-in-chief of the Japan Bulletin of Educators for Human Development and a board member of the Japan Association of Research on Educator Transformation (JARET). He also serves as an editorial advisory board of the International Journal for Transformative Research (IJTR). He has frequently served as consultants and advisors for schools and educational organizations across the world.
His journal articles have appeared in International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies, Action Research, Teaching and Teacher Education, International Journal of Transformational Research, Teacher Development, Learning and Instruction, Individual Differences and Learning, Journal of Education for Teaching, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education among other sources. In the U.S., he published a book titled "Mirrors of the mind: An introduction of mindful ways of thinking education" and "Beyond Actions: Psychology of Action Research for Mindful Educational Improvement", both through Peter Lang Publishing (New York, NY).
Harvard University, M.Ed.
Columbia University, M.A.
Columbia University, Ph.D.
Dr. Inoue began his career in Japan as a mathematics teacher where he developed a variety of interests in human cognition and learning. During these years, his initial interests in mathematics education evolved into an interest in human cognition and development. In 1991, he received a Fulbright Scholarship to study in the U.S., and received an M.Ed. from Harvard University, and continued his graduate studies that resulted in receiving an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Columbia University. He served as a full-time faculty member and taught teacher education and human development courses at the University of San Diego for 14 years. Since 2017, he has been teaching and conducting research at Waseda University as a Professor (see YouTube videos).
He is now actively involved in advancing scholarship in the areas of educational innovations, action research and inquiry-based teaching. He welcomes inquiries from international researchers as well as graduate students interested in working with him. (He accepts graduate theses and dissertations written in English.)
Online Videos
Inoue, N. (2024). Epistemic justice in classroom dialogues: Coming to know the ‘other’ with non-Western epistemological lenses. In M. Meredith (Ed.), Universities and epistemic justice in a plural world: Knowing better. (pp. 95-105). Springer.
Nawanidbumrung, W,. Promratana, P. L., Chantharaukrit, P., &Inoue, N. (2024). Unpacking and transforming teachers' beliefs toward inquiry-oriented teaching through lesson study: A cross-case analysis of Thai preservice science teachers. Journal of Education and Learning, 13(6), 184-202.
Van der Lans, R. M., In de Wal, J. J., Daas, R., Durksen, T. L., , Inoue, N., Wilson, E., & Cornelissen, F. (2024). Beyond the linear standard: What circular models can teach us about teachers’ continuing professional learning needs in Australia, England, Japan and The Netherlands, Teaching and Teacher Education, 138.
Impedovo, M., Ferreira-meyers, K., & Inoue, N. (2023). Creating a teacher collective: Professional development within the group, the community, and the network. Lanham, ME: Rowman & Littlefield, (Publication date: 8/14/2023)
Inoue, N., & Light, D. (2022). Guiding educational innovation to promote children's non-cognitive abilities to succeed: implementation of the Sesame Street curriculum in Japan. International Journal of Learning and Lesson Study, 11, 245-259.
Inoue, N. (2022). Catalyzing humanistic inquiries into contemporary social agendas: An introduction to the new Educational Innovation and Communication Studies Master’s Program. Waseda Journal of Human Sciences, 35, 275-280.
Inoue. N. (2022). Linking theories and actions-in-practice: Infusing n=1 action research projects into educational psychology courses. Teacher Development, 26 ( 3 ) 397 - 410
Nawanidbumrung, W., Samiphak, S., & Inoue, N. (2022). The impact of pre-service teachers' pedagogical beliefs on teaching science as inquiry: A silent antagonist for effective inquiry-based science lessons. Science Education International. 33, 112-121.
Inoue, N. (2021). Final commentary. In M. Impedovo, Identity and teacher professional development: A reflective, collaborative and agentive learning journey (pp.97-101). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Inoue, N. (2021). For the self-development of educators: Nurturing action researchers. In T. Asada & M. Kawamura (Eds.), Teacher learning and development: For actualizing humanistic education. Kyoto, Japan: Miberva Schobo.
Ketsing, J., Inoue, N., & Buczynski, S. (2020). Enhancing pre-service teachers’ reflective quality on inquiry-based teaching through a community of practice. Science Education International, 31, 367-378.
Inoue, N., Asada, T., Maeda, N., & Nakamura, S. (2019). Deconstructing teacher expertise for inquiry-based teaching: Looking into consensus building pedagogy in Japanese classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 77, 366-377.
Inoue, N. (2018). Bringing life to educational psychology through cross-cultural experiences. In K. Keith (Ed.), Culture across the curriculum: A psychology teacher's handbook. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Inoue, N. (2016). The role of subjectivity in teacher expertise development: Mindfully embracing the “black sheep” of educational research. International Journal for Transformative Research, 3, 16-23.
Inoue, N. (2016). Educational epistemology, culture and history: Response to Joan Walton. International Journal for Transformative Research, 3, 29-32.
Inoue, N. (2015). Developing soft skills in action research: A cross-cultural approach with East-Asian epistemology. In H. Bradbury (Ed), Sage Handbook of Action Research (3rd edition). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Inoue. N. (2015). Confessions of an educational researcher: Overcoming cognitive dissonance about action research. In Callier, S., & Lattimer, H. (Eds.), Surviving and Thriving with Teacher Action Research: Reflections and Advice from the Field. New York: Peter Lang Publications.
Inoue, N. (2015). Beyond actions: Psychology of action research for mindful educational improvement. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Inoue, N. (2015). Learning to overcome epistemological challenges: A case of a cross-cultural action research exchange program between the United States and Japan. Action Research, 13, 154-169.
Facer, D. C., Gallaway, F., Inoue, N., & Zigarmi, D. (2014). Creation and initial validation of the motivation belief inventory: Measuring leaders’ beliefs about employee motivation using for motivation theories. Journal of Business Administration Research, 3, 1-18.
Lowell, R., Inoue, N. & Getz, C. (2014) Reflective practice and motion sickness: Thoughts on the first North American Action Research Study Day. Educational Action Research, 22, 251-269.
Inoue, N (2014). Social and personal development. In G. S. Goodman (Ed.), Educational psychology reader: The art and science of how people learn (pp. 447-464). New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Inoue, N. (2013). Achievement motivation, assimilation, decenter, locus of control, schema, Yin and Yang. In K. D. Keith (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/Blackwell.
Inoue, N. (2012). A cultural analysis of trends and directivity of U.S. teacher education and educational research: What can we learn from there? The Bulletin of Japanese Curriculum Research and Development, 35, 87-94.
Inoue, N. (2012). Mirrors of the mind: An introduction of mindful ways of thinking education. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
Inoue, N. (2011). Omoi vs. thinking in action research. The California School Counselor, Fall, 14.
Inoue, N. & Buczynski, S. (2011). You asked open-ended questions, and now what?: Understanding the nature
of stumbling blocks in mathematical inquiry lessons. Mathematics Educator, 20, 10-23.
Inoue, N. & Molina, S. (2011). Lost in translation: L2 learners' struggle to communicate cultural meanings of L1-specific expressions. CATESOL Journal, 22, 149-167
Inoue, N. (2011). Zen and the art of neriage: Facilitating consensus building in mathematics inquiry lessons through lesson study. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 14, 5-23.
Inoue, N. (2010). A cross-cultural approach to deconstructing cognitive processes in the mathematics classroom. In K. D. Keith (Ed.), Cross-cultural psychology: A Contemporary reader (pp. 198–209). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley/Blackwell.
Buczynski, S., Inoue, N., Lattimer, H., & Alexandrowicz, V. (2010). Developing a policy for an international experience requirement in a graduate teacher education program: a cautionary tale. Teaching Education, 21, 33-46.
Inoue, N. (2009). Rehearsing to teach: Content-specific deconstruction of instructional explanations in pre-service teacher trainings. Journal of Education for Teaching, 35, 47-60.
Inoue, N. (2009). The issue of reality in word problem solving. In B. Greer & L. Verschaffel (Eds.), Words and worlds: Modelling verbal descriptions of situations. New Directions in Mathematics and Science Education (pp.195-209). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publisher.
Inoue, N. (2008). Minimalism as a guiding principle: Linking mathematical learning to everyday knowledge.
Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 10, 1-32.
Inoue, N. (2007). Why face a challenge?: The reason behind intrinsically motivated students' spontaneous choice of challenging tasks. Individual Differences and Learning, 17, 251-259
Inoue, N. (2005). The realistic reasons behind unrealistic solutions: The role of interpretive activity in word problem solving. Learning and Instruction, 15, 69-83.
Ginsburg, H.P., Inoue, N., & Seo, K. (1999). Young children doing mathematics: Observation of everyday activities. K.H. In J. V. Copley (Ed.), Mathematics in the Early Years. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.